The Crystal Man

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals & Healing Stones

The definitive guide

This is your comprehensive reference guide to the spiritual and healing properties of over 500 crystals, minerals, gems, and stones. Learn the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of each stone.

metaphysical crystals healing stones guide

(Click on a letter to teleport to the corresponding section of the directory.)



Abalone is believed to be a stone of peace, compassion, and love. It is thought to encourage emotional healing, enhance intuition, and soothe the nerves.


Adamite is believed to be a stone of inner strength, courage, spirit communication, and the strengthening of psychic barriers. It is thought to be useful for disorders of the lungs, heart, and throat and cyclical emotional disorders.


Actinolite is believed to be a stone of protection, balance, and self esteem. It is thought to reduce stress, strengthen the immune system, and aid in the function of the liver and kidneys.

Aegirine (Acmite)

Aegirine (Acmite) is believed to be a stone of morality, strength, and positive energy. It is thought to treat deficiencies of the immune system, to protect one from psychic attack, and to increase the healing powers of other minerals.


Agate is believed to be a stone of love, abundance, luck, and harmony. It is thought to heal issues of the eyes, stomach, and uterus, cleanse the lymphatic system and pancreas, and strengthen the blood vessels.

Agate, Apricot

Apricot Agate is believed to be a stone of balance, bonding, and relieving distress. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, liver, and pancreatic functions.

Agate, Banded

Banded Agate is believed to be a stone of wealth, luck, and serenity. It is thought to create stability and balance in life.

​Agate, Bindi

Bindi Agate is believed to be a stone of creativity, strength, and protection. It is thought to be an excellent stone for students and artists, easing anxiety and dispelling fear.

Agate, Black

Black Agate is believed to be a grounding and protective stone. It is thought to bring peace and inner strength, easing grief.

Agate, Blue Lace

Blue Lace Agate is believed to calm the emotions and enhance communication with one’s inner guides. It is used to treat problems with the throat area including laryngitis, sore throat, thyroid problems, and speech impediments.

Agate, Blue Storm

Blue Storm Agate is believed to be stone of healing, peace, and relaxation. It is thought to create trust and deep bonds, facilitate communication, and recover self-confidence.

Agate, Botswana Eye

Botswana Eye Agate is believed to be a stone of diplomacy, stamina, and affection. It is thought to assist with clear thinking, emotional peace, and increasing love towards your partner.

Agate, Botswana Grey

Botswana Grey Agate is believed to be a stone of comfort, protection, and love. It is thought to soothe grief and loss, center one during meditation, and provide strength.

Agate, Carnelian

Carnelian is believed to be a stabilizing stone, providing vitality and motivation. It is used to treat arthritis, depression, and lower back problems.

Agate, Crazy Lace

Crazy Lace Agate is believed to be a stone of soothing, self-confidence, and self-acceptance. It is thought to bring vitality to the major organs.

Agate, Dendritic

Dendritic Agate is believed to be a stone of prosperity, abundance, and growth. It is thought to improve self-confidence, increase stamina, and transform negative energies.

Agate, Eye

Eye Agate is believed to be a stone of protection, comfort, and confidence. It is thought to ward off evil, improve decision making, and lift one’s self-esteem.

Agate, Fire

Fire Agate is believed to increase one’s zest for life, increasing passion, intensifying emotions, and reconnecting with desires. It is thought to increase vitality and be helpful in aiding digestive issues.

Agate, Flower

Flower Agate is believed to be a stone of passion, growth, and feminine energy. It is thought to ignite feminine power, encourage enjoyment of life, and dispel self-doubt.

Agate, Grey Botswana

Grey Botswana Agate is believed to be a centering and grounding stone which brings balance in the physical, emotional, and intellectual realms. It is thought to harmonize energies and bring great strength.

Agate, Holly Blue

Holly Blue Agate is believed to be a stone of peace, positivity, and intuition. It is though to connect the crown chakra with the third eye and heart chakras and assist in releasing emotional trauma.

Agate, Lace

Lace Agate is believed to be a stone of soothing, self-confidence, and self-acceptance. It is thought to bring vitality to the major organs.

Agate, Moss

Moss Agate is believed to be a stone of prosperity, abundance, and healing. It is thought to boost the immune system, prevent dehydration, and treat infection.

Agate, Opalized

Opalized Agate is believed to be a stone of acceptance, peace, and stillness. It is thought to be excellent for use during meditation and to assist in creating harmony and connection.

Agate, Pink Botswana

Pink Botswana Agate is believed to be a stone of comfort, love, and strength. It is thought to soothe grief and center energy during meditation.

Agate, Purple

Purple Agate is believed to be a stone of creativity, strength, and positive energy. It is thought to assist in fulfilling dreams and stabilizing relationships.

Agate, Laguna Lace

Agate is believed to be a stone of stability, self-control, and imagination. It is thought to benefit educators and therapists, enhance mathematical abilities, and stimulate sexual energies.

Agate, River

River Agate is believed to be a stone of intuition, grounding, and strength. It is thought to enhance one’s Divine Feminine Power, balance and harmonize Yin & Yang, and promote creativity.

Agate, Snakeskin

Snakeskin Agate is believed to be a stone of strength, harmony, and joy. It is thought to boost self-esteem, develop feminine energy, and assist in finding lost items.

Agate, Translucent

Translucent Agate is believed to be a stone of positivity, good fortune, and vitality. It is thought to improve mental function, offer protection during childbirth, treat skin conditions, and alleviate morning sickness.

Agate, Tree

Tree Agate is believed to be a stone of nurturing, security, and stabilization. It is thought to provide the strength to face unpleasant situations and be an excellent stone for improving plant health.

Agate, Turritella

Turritella Agate is believed to be a stone of personal connection, cleansing, and travel. It is thought to increase fertility, protect against traffic accidents, and to ease pregnancy symptoms.

Agatized Coral

Agatized Coral is believed to be a stone of friendship, optimism, and enthusiasm. It is thought to strengthen the circulatory system and bones and stimulate tissue regeneration.


Ajoite is believed to be a stone of peace, harmony, emotional support, and femininity. It is thought to increase psychic connections, increase concentration, and aid in channelled writing.


Alabaster is believed to be a stone of forgiveness, meditation, and serenity. It is thought to bring mental clarity, heal anger issues, and stimulate creativity.


Albite is believed to be a stone of clarity, tact, courage, confidence, personal freedom, and action. It is thought to cleanse the blood, treat eye disorders, aid in circulatory restrictions, and benefit muscular ailments.


Alexandrite is believed to be a stone of confidence, happiness, and success. It is thought to encourage regeneration, symbolize freedom and joy, and aid in spiritual growth of the wholeness of self.


Alurgite is believed to be a stone of bright personality, orderliness, and rational thought. It is thought to reduce stress and assist in diseases of the intestine.


Amazez is believed to be a stone of power, healing, and purification. It is thought to be excellent for all types of healing.


Amazonite is believed to be a stone of honor, communication, trust, and clarity. It is also thought to be beneficial for osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and muscle spasms.


Amber is believed to draw disease from the body, healing and cleansing one as they work with it. It is thought to be a stone for treating ailments of the throat, including goiters, strengthening the mucus membrane, and alleviating joint pain.

Amber, Black

Black Amber is believed to be a stone of protection, intelligence, and creativity. It is thought to calm fears, absorb and dispel negative energy and bring grounding.


Amblygonite is believed to be a stone of creativity, the sense of immortality, and coming to terms with relationship endings. It is thought to assist in the treatment of eye disorders and ease lower limb disorders and pain.


Amegreen is believed to be a stone of love and compassion. It is thought to bring light into the body, assist with physical and emotional healing, and purify and harmonize the energy field.


Amethyst is believed to be a powerful protective stone; alleviating stress, balancing mood swings, treating insomnia, and reducing pain.

Amethyst Aura

Amethyst Aura is believed to be a stone of sobriety, intuition, and peace. It is thought to bring divine clearing, open the Third Eye, and heal and strengthen the aura.

Amethyst, Banded

Banded Amethyst is believed to be a stone of power, healing, and purification. It is thought to be excellent for all types of healing.

Amethyst, Black

Black Amethyst is believed to be a stone of peace and tranquility. It is thought to increase clarity and grounding to a powerful peaceful energy making it an ideal crystal to help us through times of transition.

Amethyst, Brandberg

Brandberg Amethyst is believed to be a stone of unconditional love, divinity, and profound healing. It is thought to assist in manifesting a supportive partner, healing the heart, and releasing past life pain

Amethyst, Chevron

Chevron Amethyst is believed to be a stone of spirituality, the Third Eye, and intuition. It is thought to assist in repelling negativity, cleansing the aura, and enhancing immunity.

Amethyst, Lilac

Lilac Amethyst is believed to be a stone of serenity, healing, and happiness. It is thought to bring forth hidden talents, help one realize their dreams, and aid in addiction recovery.

Amethyst, Pink

Pink Amethyst is believed to be a stone of protection, clarity, and serenity. It is thought to assist in healing from traumatic experiences, promote self-love, and increase feelings of personal power.

Amethyst, Red

Red Amethyst is believed to be a stone of grounding, protection, and relaxation. It is thought to assist in cleansing and balancing the chakras, encouraging creativity, and prompting self-relfection.

Amethyst, Smoky

Smoky Amethyst is believed to be a stone of detoxification, protection, and grounding. It is thought to aid in removal of parasites, stabilizing the hormones, and opening the Third Eye.


Amethystine is believed to be a stone of protection, grounding, and prosperity. It is thought to offer pain reduction, aid distance healing, and reduce stress and fear.


Ametrine is believed to be a stone of stress relief, creativity, balance, and spiritual growth. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, heal exhaustion, alleviate allergies, and soothe digestive disorders.


Ammolite is believed to be a stone of knowledge, wealth, and harmony. It is thought to transmute negative energies, increase health and vitality, and encourage personal awakening,


Ammonite is believed to be a stone of evolution, life force, and health. It is thought to attract success and prosperity, remove negative energies, and increase vitality.

Amphibole (Angel Phantom Quartz)

Amphibole Quartz, or Angel Phantom Quartz, is believed to be a stone of protection, self-empowerment, inner strength, and angel communication. It is thought to bring inner peace & tranquility, ease insomnia, and soothe worry and stress.

Amphibolite, Golden

Golden Amphibolite is believed to be a stone of inner piece, clarity, and vigour. It is thought to provide cheerfulness, fortify nerves, and relieve pain.

Amulet Stone

Amulet Stone is believed to be a stone of positivity, healing, and clearing. It is thought to aid in healing from all illnesses and soothe anxiety and nightmares.


Analcime is believed to be a stone of mental clarity, creativity, and individuality. It is thought to aid in the healing of diabetes, pancreas problems, water retention, and brain tumors.


Anandolite is believed to be a stone of evolutionary energy, spiritual joy, and warm, fiery energy. It is thought to open and align the chakras and fill the body with light.


Anatase is believed to be a stone of overcoming resistance to change, assimilating and retaining information, and promoting insightfulness. It is thought to be useful for treating eye disorders, allergies, and sensitivities to medication.


Angelite is believed to be a stone of creativity, inner guidance, faith, and astral travel. It is thought to be useful for treating the thyroid, reducing weight, and relieving headaches.


Anhydrite is thought to be excellent for finding toxins and energy blocks in the body. It is believed to assist in accepting healing.


Anthracite is believed to be a stone of remorse; helping the user to have and show remorse when needed while also bringing acceptance and understanding of the situation. It is thought to bring a sense of peace, ease depression and anxiety, and assist in breaking bad habits.

Apache Tears

Apache Tears are believed to be a stone of protection, compassion, and creativity. It is thought to reduce the pain of arthritis, cramps, and joint problems and aid in detoxification.

Apatite, Blue

Blue Apatite is believed to be a stone of communication and public speaking. It is thought to help heal disorders and diseases of the throat.

Apatite, Green

Green Apatite is believed to be a stone of abundance, calm, and revitalization. It is thought to work with the heart chakra, lift Kundalini energy, and cleanse and align the chakras.


Apophyllite is believed to be a stone of connection with nature, animal communication, and the 3rd eye chakra. It is thought to facilitate communication with the higher realms and open the inner gateways to higher dimensions.

Apophyllite, Green

Green Apophyllite is believed to be a stone of connection with nature, animal communication, and the 3rd eye chakra. It is thought to facilitate communication with the higher realms and open the inner gateways to higher dimensions.

Aqua Lemuria

Aqua Lemuria is believed to be a stone of ancient knowledge. It is thought to assist in accessing the heart’s wisdom.


Aquamarine is believed to be a stone of cleansing, meditation, serenity, and peace. It is thought to heal sore throats, swollen glands, and thyroid problems.


Aragonite is believed to be a stone of truth, understanding, and nurturing. It is thought to increase energy and self-confidence and ease anxiety.

Aragonite, Blue

Blue Aragonite is believed to be a stone of comfort, joy, and optimism. It is thought to increase communicative abilities, assist in empathizing, and work with the Third Eye, Heart, and Throat chakras.

Aragonite, Brown

Brown Aragonite is believed to be a stone of truth, understanding, and clarity. It is thought to be an excellent Earth healer, provide a connection to the Earth, and stimulate motivation.

Aragonite, Purple

Purple Aragonite is believed to be a stone of serenity, balance, and alignment. It is thought to assist in grounding, encourage tranquility, and connect the Root and Crown chakras.

Aragonite, Red Comet

Red Comet Aragonite is thought to be a stone of conservation, healing, and Earth healing. It is thought to clear blocked ley lines, assist in overcoming anxiety and stress, and assist the release of anger and resentment.


Arfvedsonite is believed to be a stone of manifestation, spiritual growth, and positivity. It is thought to bring sound sleep, dispel negative thoughts, and develop intuition.


Astaraline is believed to be a stone of inspiration, creativity, intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance. It is thought to aid in the creation of new neural pathways, encourage the awakening of cellular consciousness, and support all forms of self-healing.


Astrophyllite is believed to aid in self love, illuminating one’s true self. It is also thought to benefit the reproductive and hormonal systems, helping especially with PMS and menopause symptoms.


Atacamite is believed to be a stone of communication and self expression. It is thought to aid the immune system, thymus gland, and thyroid gland and reduce fatigue.


Atlantisite is believed to a stone of security, relaxation, and comfort. It is thought to aid in the healing of kidney and stomach ailments.

Auralite 23

Auralite 23 is believed to be a stone of knowledge, inspiration, and healing. It is thought to aid in treatment of ADHD, learning disabilities, and general healing.

Auralite, Emerald

Emerald Auralite is believed to be a stone of serenity, happiness, and enthusiasm. It is thought to accelerate spiritual evolution, increase Prana, and support optimal functioning of the brain and heart.


Aurichalcite is believed to be a stone of fearlessness, stability, protection, and harmony. It is thought to clear the aura and smooth the energy field.

Aventurine, Blue

Blue Aventurine is believed to be a stone of inner growth, spiritual work and guidance, and intuition. It is thought to assist in overcoming selfishness, childishness, and immaturity.

Aventurine, Green

Green Aventurine is believed to be comforting and healing to the heart. It is thought to neutralize electromagnetic pollution, settle nausea, and dispel negative emotions.

Aventurine, Pink

Pink Aventurine is believed to be a stone of well-being, calm, and balance. It is thought to encourage creativity, fill one with desire for life, assist in celebrating life, and allow one to handle difficult situations with grace.

Aventurine, Red

Red Aventurine is believed to be a stone of self-confidence, guidance, and vitality. It is thought to assist in the release of guilt, the removal of ego, and the functioning of the endocrine, immune, and musculoskeletal systems.

Aventurine, Yellow

Yellow Aventurine is believed to be a stone of creativity and balance. It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, aid in migraines, allergies, and sinus issues, and allow the release of grief and suffering.


Axinite is believed to be a stone of grounding, restoration, and healing. It is thought to aid in the healing of adrenal issues, muscular damage, and foot and leg problems as well as being a general tonic for vitality.


Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of higher awareness, spiritual healing, and enlightenment. It is thought to clear chakras, aid in the treatment of cancer, cellular disorders, and tissue inflammation, and revitalize one’s purpose. This is considered a very powerful stone and should be handled with care. Azeztulite does not absorb negative energies and does not need to be cleansed.

Azeztulite, Black

Black Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of spiritual transformation, change, and power and protection. It is thought to cleanse the body and energy field, assist in the healing of cancer and autoimmune diseases, and allow us to know who and what we really are.

Azeztulite, Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of cleansing, purification, and protection. It is thought to infuse spiritual light and replace negative emotions with love, joy, and awareness.

Azeztulite, Blue Green

Blue-Green Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of healing, compassion, and bliss. It is thought to facilitate the conjoining of sprit, soul, and body as well as stimulate the emotional body.

Azeztulite, Golden

Golden Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of mental clarity, discernment, enthusiasm, and creativity.

Azeztulite, Golden Aura

Golden Aura Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of Golden White Light and spiritual bliss. It is thought to reawaken one’s connection to the Golden Ray.

Azeztulite, Green Fire

Green Fire Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of spiritual power and partnership with Earth. It is thought to help us live by the heart’s desires and guidance, assist in communing with nature, and use one’s spiritual power for the good of all.

Azeztulite, Himalaya Gold

Himalaya Gold Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of mental clarity, discernment, enthusiasm, and creativity.

Azeztulite, Himalaya Red

Himalaya Red Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of spiritual Life Force, courage, vitality, passion, and strength.

Azeztulite, Himalaya Red Gold

Himalaya Red Gold Azeztulite is believed to be a stone radiant health, strength, and vitality. It is thought to bring wealth, create courage, and enhance creativity.

Azeztulite, Honey & Cream

Honey and Cream Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of light, sweetness, comfort, and love. It is thought to aid in emotional healing, relieve muscle tension, quiet upset stomachs, and relieve headaches.

Azeztulite, Pink

Pink Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of stimulation of the heart, crown, and third eye chakras, emotional healing, deep peace, and inner harmony.

Azeztulite, Pink Fire

Pink Fire Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of Divine Love, ecstasy, and spirituality. It is believed to ignite the passion of Divine Love and spread love through the body right into the cellular level.

Azeztulite, Red Fire

Red Fire Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of power, passion, and vitality. It is thought to enhance intelligence, trigger visionary experiences, and stimulate the spiritual functions of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Azeztulite, Rosophia

Rosophia is believed to be a stone of sweetness, pleasure, love, truth, empathy, and beauty. It is thought to help calm the body, release stress, heal problems of the heart, blood, and lympathic system.

Azeztulite, Sanda Rosa

Sanda Rosa Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of cleansing, unification, harmony, and spiritual healing. It is thought to be a true stone of the heart.

Azeztulite, Sauralite

Sauralite Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of physical enlightenment and attunement to a joyful way of being. It is thought to allow one to become a conscious partner with Divine purpose on Earth.

Azeztulite, Sedona

Sedona Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of joy and excitement. It is thought to have a powerful uplifting quality which brings the energy of Sedona and the Nameless Light.

Azeztulite, White

White Azeztulite is believed to be a holy stone. It is thought to expand, soothe, and bring white light into one’s consciousness.

Azeztulite, Satyaloka Clear

Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of enlightenment and love. It is thought to emit white light and encourage spiritual consciousness.

Azeztulite, Satyaloka Rose

Satyaloka Rose Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of love and peace, transformation of consciousness, and alignment with inner truth.

Azeztulite, Satyaloka Yellow

Satyaloka Yellow Azeztulite is believed to be a stone of spiritual awakening, crown chakra activation, and creative manifestation.


Azumar is believed to be a stone of love, joy, and ecstasy. It is thought to heal the emotions, bring vitality to the cells, and dissolve stress, anger, and fear.


Azurite is believed to be a stone of psychic awareness and skills, intuition, meditation, and energy flow. It is thought to enhance creativity and provide inspiration.



Babingtonite is believed to be a stone of ascension, rebirthing, and grounding. It is thought to remove energy blockages, assist in overcoming shyness, and create a positive outlook.


Barite is believed to be a stone of self-assurance, fear release, and finding one’s higher purpose. It is thought to be helpful in the treatment of stress, eye conditions, addiction, and memory degradation.

Barite, Blue

Blue Barite is believed to be a stone of memory, synchronicity, and healing. It is thought to stimulate dreams, enhance intuition, and aid trauma recovery.


Basalt is believed to be a stone of grounding, rebirth, and serenity. It is thought to connect to the Root Chakra and assist in shedding unnecessary layers of emotional attachment.


Benitoite is believed to be a stone of protection, psychic development, and communication. It is thought to assist in psychic healing, bring guidance, and create new ideas.


Beryl is believed to be a stone of protection, creativity, and vitality. It is thought to treat liver and eye diseases, aid in the healing of cataracts and leprosy, and soothe asthma.

Beryl, Blue

Blue Beryl is believed to be a stone of balance, compassion, and courage. It is thought to bring optimism, assist in detoxification, and remove distractions.

Beryl, Green

Green Beryl is believed to be a stone of positivity, hope, and divine love. It is thought to bring family peace, heal heart damage, and assist with the absorption of information


Bismuth is believed to be a stone of calmness, vitality, orderliness, and relationship cohesiveness. It is thought to lessen fever and reduce catatonic states.

Black Strongstone

Black Strongstone is believed to be a stone of vitality, stamina, and Life Force. It is thought to protect one from negative energy, bring forth courage, and stimulate the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras.


Bloodstone is believed to be a stone of abundance, generosity, good fortune, and purification. It is thought to be good for anemia, blood flow, and leukemia.

Blue Liberite (Que Sera)

Blue Liberite, or Que Sera, is believed to be a stone of love, healing, and protection. It is thought to shield electromagnetic energy, increase psychic communication, aid meditation, aid the healing of tissue, relieve stress, and treat adrenal fatigue.

Bornite (Peacock Ore)

Peacock Ore is believed to be a stone of joy, appreciation, and acceptance. It is thought to heal the chakras, stimulate adrenaline production, and help the body create and use calcium


Brachiopod fossils are believed to be a stone of vitality, memory, and peace. They are thought to assist in past life work, heal bones and paralysis, and calm anxieties.


Brochantite is believed to be a stone of alignment, energy elevation, initiative and optimism. It is thought to relieve water retention, protect from environmental contaminates, and assist in treatment of the pancreas, prostate, and spleen.


Bronzite is believed to be a stone of protection, certainty, and courtesy. It is thought to assist in healing infections, iron deficiency, and alkaline states.


Brookite is believed to be a stone of meditation, the third eye, and spirituality. It is thought to help rid one of lethargy and apathy and increase focus and creativity.


Bustamite is believed to be a stone of meditation, safety, emotional healing, and anxiety reduction. It is thought to improve circulation, lungs, skin, nails, hair, and stress related disorders.



Cacoxenite is believed to be a stone of consciousness, meditation, emotional upheaval, and cleansing. It is thought to alleviate stomach and digestive problems and support the thyroid.


Calcite is believed to be a stone of protection, grounding, and centering. It is thought to reduce stress and fear, be excellent for distance healing, and increase prosperity.

Calcite, Blue

Blue Calcite is believed to be a stone of peace, love, healing, purification, and energy. It is thought to balance the emotional state, remove blockages, and aid in in purification.

Calcite, Elmwood

Elmwood Calcite is believed to be a stone of ascension, connection, and serenity. It is thought to bring a sense of harmony and peace, create a deep connection with the divine, and encourage a peaceful, relaxed sleep.

Calcite, Green

Green Calcite is believed to be a stone of vitality, purpose, and forgiveness. It is thought to encourage compassion, stimulate positive life changes, and allow one to forgive oneself.

Calcite, Lemurian Aquatine

Lemurian Aquatine Calcite is believed to be a stone of intuition, dreaming, feeling, and visionary consciousness. It is thought to deeply nourish the emotional body, act as an antidote for stress, fear, worry, and anxiety, soothe and replenish the etheric body, and enhance dream life and lucid dreaming. It is also believed to be ideal for encouraging past life recall, ancient knowledge, and attunement to the morphic field’s of Earth’s past.

Calcite, Mangano

Mangano Calcite is believed to be a stone of calming, universal and self-love, and memory enhancement. It is thought to be useful when treating disorders of the bones, joints, and heart.

Calcite, Optical

Optical Calcite, also known as Icelandic Spar, is believed to be a stone of meditation, manifestation, and protection. It is thought to clear the chakras, amplify positive energy, and create optimism.

Calcite, Orange

Orange Calcite is believed to be a stone of intuition, vitality, and creativity. It is thought to assist in building relationships, healing the heart, and strengthening one’s own will.

Calcite, Red

Red Calcite is believed to be a stone of clarity, vitality, and awareness. It is thought to ground and protect, prepare women for pregnancy and childbirth, and balance hormones.

Calcite, White

White Calcite is believed to be a stone of motivation, growth, and new beginnings. It is thought to raise consciousness, increase psychic abilities, and cleanse the aura.

Calcite, Yellow

Yellow Calcite is believed to stimulate the intellect, help one organize intellectual thoughts and information, and boost energy. It is thought to increase personal power and sense of self-worth.


Cassiterite is believed to be a stone of shamanic journeying, spiritual grounding, and intellectual problem solving. It is thought to release childhood issues of rejection, protect one from physical danger, and assist the dying in crossing over.

Cataclosite (Impact Stone)

Cataclosite is believed to be a stone of overcoming abuse and facilitating emotional release. It is thought to assist in the release of negative emotional patterns and create self-love and self-acceptance.


Cavansite is believed to be a stone of transformation, comfort, and optimism. It is thought to aid in healing the heart chakra, allow one to accept oneself, and heal grief and loss.


Celestite is believed to be a stone of serenity and angelic communication. It is thought to aid in clearing infections, activating the metabolism, and stimulating the digestion.


Cerussite is believed to be a stone of transformation, stress release, creativity, and meditation. It is thought to assist with life and career changes as well as create a good financial foundation.


Chabazite is believed to be a stone of meditation, Mother Earth, structure, and contemplation. It is thought to stimulate higher learning, rid one of addictive habits and behaviors, and enhance endurance.


Chalcanthite is believed to be a stone of communication, insight, and living in the moment. It is thought to be helpful for arthritis, arteries, water retention, and foot and nail fungal infections.


Chalcedony is believed to be a stone of emotional balance, stamina, charity, and energy. It is thought to heal disorders of the eye, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood, and circulatory system.

Chalcedony, Blue

Blue Chalcedony is believed to be an incredibly soothing stone, great for calming young children. It is also thought to be helpful for public speaking and ailments of the throat.

Chalcedony, Pink

Pink Chalcedony is believed to be a nurturing stone which promotes brotherhood and absorbs negative energy. It is also thought to lessen dementia and senility, increase physical energy, and heal diseases of the eyes.


Chalcopyrite is believed to be a stone of channelling and meditation. It is thought to treat disorders of the respiratory system and reduce fever and inflammation.


Charoite is believed to be an excellent stone for protection and healing. It is thought to assist in strengthening one’s body.


Chert is believed to be a stone of humor, calming, and protection. It is thought to bring peace filled sleep and dreams, assist in finding lost items, and release unneeded blocks and burdens.


Chiastolite is believed to be a stone of protection, meditation, harmony, and peace. It is thought to aid in the growth of teeth and  bones, balance blood flow, and sooth anxiety and depression.


Chlorite is believed to be a stone of positivity, cleansing, protection, and love. It is thought to assist in weight loss, toxin elimination, and beneficial bacterial production.


Chromium is believed to be a stone of healing, joy, and abundance. It is thought to create new beginnings, stimulate growth and change, and allow for inner independence.

Chrysanthemum Stone

Chrysanthemum Stone is known for aiding women’s issues such as illnesses of the reproductive organs and tissues. It is also believed to assist one if following their potential and calling in helpful serendipities.

Chrysoberyl (Cat’s Eye)

Chrysoberyl is believed to be a stone of forgiveness, innocence, and compassion. It is thought to treat high cholesterol, balance the adrenals, and fortify the liver.


Chrysocolla is believed to inspire verbal expression, enhance loving communication and energize the words spoken. It is also thought to be a very peaceful stone, bringing a sense of calm.


Chrysoprase is believed to be a stone of happiness, imagination, and enterprise. It is thought to strengthen the eyes, relieve the pain of rheumatism, and heal gout.


Chrysotile is believed to be a stone of honesty, sincerity, resourcefulness, and integrity. It is thought to aid in the treatment of vein and artery disorders, pores, multiple sclerosis, tissue regeneration, and chronic fatigue.


Cinnabar is believed to be a stone of abundance, manifestation, and spiritual perception. It is thought to treat sexual dysfunction, infertility, blood disorders, and fungal and viral infections.

Cinnabrite (Red Epidote in Scapolite)

Cinnabrite is believed to be a stone of will power, freedom, and strength. It is thought to assist in achieving one’s dreams, understanding and following one’s purpose, and effective problem solving.


Cinnazez is believed to be a stone of prosperity, telepathic communication, and attunement to heavenly realms. It is thought to bring knowledge of the Divine Truth, awaken higher awareness, and quicken consciousness and evolutionary growth.

Circle Stone

Circle Stone is believed to be a stone of the heart chakra, forgotten potentials, and facilitating visionary potentials. It is thought to open one to the awareness of the Earth’s love.


Citrine is believed to energize one’s zest for life, cleanse the chakras, raise self-esteem and self-confidence. It is also thought to impart joy, wonder, delight, and enthusiasm. Citrine is used to treat kidney and bladder infections.


Clinozoisite is believed to be a stone of detoxification, clarity, understanding, and forgiveness. It is thought to enhance the healing or recuperative process.


Cobaltocalcite is believed to be a stone of growth and development, consciousness, and cleansing. It is thought to help dissolve pain, lower blood pressure, and assist in the assimilation of calcium.


Collamacalcite is believed to be a stone of confidence, protection, and femininity. It is thought to assist in healing one’s heart, enhance willpower, and boost creativity.

Columbite Tantalite

Columbite Tantalite is believed to be a stone of assist in bringing healing blockages to one’s consciousness and in breaking through these healing blockages. This allows the type of healing that a person is focusing on to become more powerful, helpful, and understood.


Conichalcite is believed to be a stone of stability, strength, intuition, and meditation. It is thought to help eliminate toxins and treat urinary disorders.


Copper is believed to be a stone of amplification, conduction, and straightening the properties of other stones. It is thought to alleviate cramps, assist in the function of glands, and prevent wear on the bones.


Coprolite is believed to be a stone of memory, courage, and transition. It is thought to assist in past life regression, aid the skeletal and digestive systems, and encourage the absorption and assimilation of nutrients.


Coral is believed to be a stone of friendship, community, optimism, balance, and protection. It is thought to strengthen the circulatory system, nourish blood cells, treat disorders of the thalamus, and heal the nervous system.


Covellite is believed to assist with communication and creating a positive disposition. It is also thought to aid in healing ears, eyes, throat, and sinus issues.


Creedite is believed to be a stone of communication, bliss, and inner peace. It is thought to cleanse one’s energy, create clarity in spiritual communication, and stimulate the aura.


Cristobalite, also known as Snowflake Obsidian, is believed to be a stone of perseverance and insight. It is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and assist one in becoming receptive to a healing attitude.


Crocoite is believed to be a stone of grounding, centering, passion, and divine consciousness. It is thought to balance the endocrine system, soothe emotional distress, and treat sexual dysfunction.


Cryolite is believed to be a stone of positivity, happiness, and contentment. It is thought to assist in comfortable public speaking, balance energy flows, and be beneficial in treating infections of the eyes.


Cuprite is believed to be a stone of past life experience, discouraging worry, and connection to the Earth. It is thought to aid in the treatment of disorders of the thymus, heart, blood, thymus, skeletal system, and kidneys.

Cuprite, Crimson

Crimson Cuprite is believed to be a stone of life force, courage, commitment in spirit, and passion for life. It is thought to aid in healing of intestinal and reproductive organ issues.


Dalmatian Stone

Dalmatian Stone is believed to be a stone of the inner child, encouraging playfulness, joy, and grounding. It is thought to be an excellent stone for calming pets and children, aiding in quitting smoking, and encouraging fidelity and emotional harmony.


Danburite is believed to be a stone of cooperation, calm, and tolerance. It is thought to detoxify the body, decrease impatience, and encourage joy and celebration.

Danburite, Agni Gold

Agni Gold Danburite is believed to be a stone of inner fire and purpose, spiritual light, and manifestation. It is thought to enhance mental clarity, stimulate the third eye and solar plexus chakras, and increase joy.


Darwinite is believed to be a stone of knowledge and spiritual development. It is thought to connect the heart and crown chakras as well as providing assistance to healing.


Datolite is believed to be a stone of personal power, memory, and consciousness. It is thought to assist in retrieving lost memories, releasing worries and fears, and connecting with higher worlds.


Dendrite is believed to be a stone of clarity and clear thinking. It is thought to encourage blood flow to the brain, heal diseases of the brain, and allow one to recover from defeat.

Desert Rose

Desert Rose is believed to be a stone of strength, intuition, and clearing. It is thought to improve mental clarity, assist in emotional understanding, and encourage one to stand their ground.


Diopside is believed to be a stone of positivity, balanced temperament, and problem solving. It is thought to reduce fever and body aches and aid in treatment of degenerative disorders.


Dioptase is believed to be a stone of forgiveness, healing of emotional wounds, love, and compassion. It is thought to lower blood pressure, relieve migraines, and reduce pain.


Dolomite is believed to be a stone of self-realization, moderation, and reducing negative emotions. It is thought to stimulate the metabolism of calcium and magnesium, stabilize health, and dissolve cramps.

Dragon Stone (Dragon’s Blood)

Dragon Stone is believed to be a stone of patience, perception, and personal power. It is thought to heal intestinal blockages, relieve stress exhaustion, and aid in releasing trauma.


Dravite is believed to be a stone of spiritual grounding, courage, and persistence. It is thought to assist in absorption of nutrients, heal the blood and cleanse the lymphatic system, and reduce spots on the skin.


Dumortierite is believed to promote a positive attitude and to help one cope with panic and fear. It is also thought to help with nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, and headaches by releasing toxins from the body.



Eclogite is believed to be a stone of spiritual growth, emotional stability, and mindful truth. It is thought to enhance inner strength, happiness, and manifestation.


Emerald is believed to be a stone of love, romance, joy, truth, and faith. It is thought to aid in the recovery from infectious illness, sooth sinuses and eyes, and detoxify the liver.


Empowerite is believed to be a stone of confidence, strength, and personal power. It is thought to ground one’s energies to the Earth, receive and store the Earth’s Life Force currents (chi), and reconnect one to the Earth.

Emra Lemurian

Emra Lemurians are believed to be a stone of connection to higher realms, communication with animals and plants, and harmony with the Earth. It is believed to assist with gardening and animal healing.


Epidote is believed to be a stone of enhancement, releasing negativity, and raising vibrational energy. It is thought to clear congestion, dissipate tumors, and enhance the immune system.


Eudialyte is believed to be a stone of revitalization, personal power, psychic resonance, and manifestation. It is thought to aid in strengthening and repairing arteries, increase blood flow, and assist in fighting blood disease.



Fayalite is believed to be a stone of productivity, luck, and knowledge. It is thought to help clear emotional issues, reduce anxiety, and recover from heartbreak.


Feldspar is believed to be a stone of creativity, astral travel, self-awareness, and self-love. It is thought to aid in the treatment of skin and muscular structure disorders.


Fluorite is believed to ground energy, reduce pain, and assist in the healing of respiratory issues, arthritis, and skin problems.

Fluorite, Blue

Blue Fluorite is believed to be a stone of serenity, protection, and truth. It is thought to facilitate growth and change, reveal the inner causes of illness, and improve coordination.

Fluorite, Green

Green Fluorite is believed to be a stone of healing, intuition, and harmony. It is thought to encourage creativity and new ideas, assist in the release of emotional trauma, and aid in addiction recovery.

Fluorite, Pink

Pink Fluorite is believed to be a stone of self-love, appreciation, and serenity. It is thought to encourage peaceful sleep, assist in releasing tension, and calm stress and anxiety.

Fluorite, Purple

Purple Fluorite is believed to be a stone of intuition, immunity, and tension release. It is thought to assist the immune system, heal scars, and improve arthritis and the health of2 bones and teeth.

Fluorite, Yellow (Goddess Fluorite)

Yellow Fluorite is believed to be a stone of creativity, intellect, and unity. It is thought to encourage co-operation, bring positivity and optimism, and is known as the Genius Stone.


Fuchsite is believed to be a stone of self-worth and resilience. It is thought to stabilize spinal alignment, increase flexibility, and aid in treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.


Fulgarite is believed to be a stone of manifestation, grounding, cleansing, and empowering. It is thought to increase blood flow, strengthen muscles and tissue, and improve the immune system.


Gaia Stone

Gaia Stone is believed to be a stone of love, intimacy, harmony, and compassion. It is thought to heal and soothe the heart, open one to the energy of the Goddesses (particularly the Tibetan Deity known as Green Tara) and the Divine Feminine, and heal emotional wounds.


Galena is believed to be a stone of transformation, spirituality, and past life recall. It is thought to counter infection, protect against radiation, and aid in recovery from addiction.


Garnet is believed to be a stone of prosperity, joy, and creativity. It is thought to be an excellent stone for grounding and manifestation.

Garnet, Green

Green Garnet is believed to be a stone of vitality, compassion, and kindness. It is thought to encourage regeneration and growth, bring a zest for life, and encourage a connection to Mother Earth.

Garnet, Rainbow

Rainbow Garnet is believed to be a stone of playfulness, humour, and generosity. It is thought to lighten the load of stress, resonate to the vibration of joy, and heal one’s Inner Child.

Gary Green (Petrified Bog Wood)

Gary Green is believed to be a stone of Earth Energy and grounding. It is thought to create respect and caring for the Earth, allow one to live in harmony with natural, and give access to inner knowledge.


Gaspeite is believed to be a stone of healing, grounding, and success. It is thought to assist in bringing answers, providing safe passage, and encouraging weight loss.

Gem Silica

Gem Silica is believed to be a gentle, soothing, friendly stone of the heart chakra. It is thought to heal loss, hurt, guilt, and fear.

Genesis Stone (Banded Iron)

Genesis Stone is believed to be up to 2 billion years old, filling it with many years of sun and wind energy. It is thought to have a powerful grounding energy, open the chakras and meridians, clear negativity in the auric field, and increase chanelling energy.


Girasol is believed to enhance and mirror feelings, assisting its user with visualization, imagination, and dream work. It is thought to be an excellent crystal for those suffering from diabetes and fatigue.

Girasol, Pink

Pink Girasol is believed to be a stone of feminine energy, serenity, and passion. It is thought to connect one to Lunar energy, bring out personal truths, and resolve emotional issues.


Glendonite is believed to be a stone of learning, discovery, and understanding. It is thought to help heal broken bones and abrasions, regenerate cells, and strengthen teeth and bones.


Goethite is believed to be a stone of rationality, detail, and mathematics. It is thought to aid in clairaudience, increase intuition, and encourage problem solving.


Goldstone is believed to increase ambition, build energy, positive attitude, and confidence, reduce stomach tension, and reduce pain in joints.

Goldstone, Blue

Blue Goldstone is believed to be a stone of healing, vitality, and optimism. It is thought to be deeply uplifting, heal issues of the joints and stomach, and work with the throat chakra.

Goldstone, Green

Green Goldstone is believed to be a stone of abundance, ambition, and optimism. It is thought to promote confidence, bring courage, and allow for deep focus and insight.


Granite is believed to be a stone of protection, magic, and strength. It is thought to remove skepticism, allow one to see the big picture, and defeat negative thought patterns.

Green Taralite

Green Taralite is believed to be a stone of happiness, compassion, and wisdom. It is thought to allow one to connect with the Goddess Green Tara, support the heart and circulatory system, and fill one with love.


Grossularite is believed to be a stone of manifestation, creativity, devotion, and commitment. It is thought to regenerate and stimulate cellular function, help treatment of the heart, lungs, liver, and pancreas, and aid in fertility.

Grossularite, Rainbow

Rainbow Grossularite is believed to be a stone if manifestation, creativity, devotion, and commitment. It is thought to regenerate and stimulate cellular function, aid in the treatment of the heart, lungs, liver, and pancreas, and assist in fertility.


Guardianite is known as the Guardian Stone. It is believed to be a stone of life force, grounding, strength, and protection.


Gypsum is believed to be a stone of tension release, spiritual insight, and passion for life. It is thought to benefit tissue and the reproductive system and aid in weight loss.



Halite is believed to be a stone of purification, self-love, and illumination. It is thought to aid assimilation of the proper amount of iodine and for treating disorders of the thyroid.

Halite, Blue

Blue Halite is believed to be a stone of purification, cleansing, and higher dimensional energy. It is thought to cleanse and energize the chakras, remove energy blockages, and assist with iodine absorption and the glands and kidneys.

Halite, Pink

Pink Halite is believed to be a stone of love, self-love, and personal growth. It is thought to help in release of emotional issues, especially self-guilt, low self-esteem, and anxiety.

Halite, Purple

Purple or Violet Halite is believed to be a stone of cleansing, purification, and illumination. It is thought to alleviate nightmares and night terrors, clear negative patterns, and purify the consciousness.


Hanksite is believed to be a stone of flexibility, energy flow, and insight. It is thought to stimulate hair growth, relieve head colds, and clear toxins associated with alcoholism.


Healerite is believed to be a stone of healing, revitalization, and joy. It is thought to aid in recollection of past lives, facilitate all types of healing, and encourage intimacy.

Healer’s Gold

Healer’s Gold is believed to be a stone of rejuvenation and regeneration for drained healers. It is thought to strengthen, harmonize, and encourage energy flow.


Heartenite is believed to be a stone of self-confidence, courage, and spiritual power. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, ease depression, and assist in the healing process.


Heliodor is believed to be a stone of warmth, knowledge, and self-confidence. It is thought to encourage leadership and assertiveness, create a sense of vibrant well-being, and stimulate the higher mind.


Hematite is believed to ground and protect its owner. It is thought to endow courage, strength, and endurance. Hematite is used to treat anemia, leg cramps, anxiety, and insomnia.

Hematite, Rainbow

Rainbow Hematite is believed to be a stone of balance, clarity, and peace. It is thought to aid in the healing of broken bones, sleep disorders, digestive issues, anemia, and convulsions.

Hematite, Specular (Specularite)

Specular Hematite is believed to be a stone of memory, peace, and confidence. It is thought to dispel negativity, improve mental function, and promote healing.


Hemimorphite is believed to be a stone of personal potential, inner strength, happiness, and resilience. It is thought to assist physical exercise and dieting, alleviate pain and reduce ulcers, and treat disorders of the reproductive system.

Hemimorphite, Blue

Blue Hemimorphite is believed to be a stone of joy, communication, and ascension. It is thought to bring light into life and the auric field, open and clear the chakras, and promote spiritual healing.

Hemimorphite, Pink

Pink Hemimorphite is believed to be a stone of peace, protection, and spiritual growth. It is thought to remove malicious thoughts, improve emotional communication, and heal hormonal headaches.


Herderite is believed to be a stone of meditation, spiritual growth, and change. It is thought to be an incredibly powerful stone for interdimensional travel, communicating with spirit guides and light beings, and embracing enlightened awareness.


Heulandite is believed to be a stone of divine guidance, psychic visions, and spiritual development. It is thought to absorb toxicity, heal the liver, kidneys, and bladder, and aid weight loss.


Hiddenite is believed to be a stone of spontaneity, joy, and love. It is thought to relieve stress, encourage acceptance, and assist in manifestation.


Holmquistite is believed to be a stone of stress reduction, conflict resolution, and changes to the DNA and RNA. It is thought to assist in location of blockages in the body and to use in grids in your home.


Howlite is believed to be a stone of calming, patience, and selflessness. It is thought to relieve insomnia, aid in remembering dreams, and easing anxiety.


Hyalite is believed to be a stone of destiny, serenity, and abundance. It is thought to align and balance chakras and provide mental clarity.


Hypersthene is believed to be a stone of self esteem, emotional expression, and courage. It is thought to ease insomnia, re-energize, and heal one after illness.



Vesuvianite is believed to be a stone of higher self and inner security. It is thought to strengthen tooth enamel, restore the sense of smell, and assist in assimilating nutrients from food.


Ilvaite is believed to be a stone of patience, truth, and grounding. It is thought to enhance emotional stability and heighten distinction.

Indicolite (Blue Tourmaline)

Indicolite is believed to be a stone of spirit, peace, honesty, and courage. It is thought to aid in overcoming speech impediments, increase dream recall, and restore luster and shine to hair and nails.

Indigo Gabbro

Indigo Gabbro is believed to be a stone of instinct, past life recall, and magic. It is thought to protect against negative energies and dispel spiritual threats.


Inesite is believed to be a stone of protection against disease and energy balance. It is thought to aid in the prevention of ailments associated with the base chakra and winter months.

Indochinite Tektite

Indochinite Tektite is believed to be a stone of spirituality, insight, and protection. It is thought to remove blockages of the lower chakras, encourage energy flow, and accelerate healing.


Infinite is believed to be a stone of power, protection, love, and healing. It is thought to assist in restful sleep, stimulate physical healing, and ease grief.


Iolite is believed to be a stone of power, inner strength, self-confidence, and leadership. It is thought to support detoxification and regeneration of the liver, treat malaria and fevers, and alleviate migraines.



Jade is believed to be a stone of stability, fertility, harmony, perspective, and balance. It is thought to aid the body’s filtration system, treat kidney and adrenal problems, and remove toxins.

Jade, White

White Jade is believed to be a stone of clarity, grounding, protection, and peace. It is thought to be a stone of power and royalty, assist in removing negative energies, and help relieve anxieties and worries.


Jadeite is believed to be a stone of protection, health, love, and virtue. It is thought to strengthen the body, protect from fatigue, and extend the lifespan.


Jaspelite is believed to be a stone of grounding, protection, balance, and manifestation. It is thought to keep one focused and separate dreams from reality.


Jasper is believed to be a stone of relaxation, contentment, nurturing, and completion. It is thought to support during prolonged illness and re-energize the body.

Jasper, Bamboo Leaf (Leaf Jasper or Bamboo Jasper)

Bamboo Leaf Jasper is believed to be a stone of peace, grounding, and connection to the Earth. It is thought to aid in overcoming addiction and compulsive behaviour, allow for deep meditation, and work as a great tool for healers.

Jasper, Birds Eye

Birds Eye Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, regeneration, and healing. It is thought to support the circulatory, digestive, and sexual organs.

Jasper, Bloodstone

See Bloodstone

Jasper, Blue

Blue Jasper is believed to be a stone of confidence, courage, and strength. It is thought to create a connection to the spiritual, stimulate the throat chakra, and balance the aura.

Jasper, Boekenhout (Spirit Quartz Jasper)

Boekenhout Jasper is believed to be a stone of wisdom, insight, and positivity. It is thought to assist in realizing one’s goals, dispelling illusion, and promoting personal pride.

Jasper, Brecciated

Brecciated Jasper is believed to bring mental clarity, stabilize the auric field, and remove negativity. It is also thought to detoxify the body, helping one to recover from illness.

Jasper, Bumblebee

Bumblebee Jasper is thought to be a stone of acceptance of change, new opportunities, self esteem, and logical decision making. It is believed to assist in healing abdominal issues, ease allergies, and help the nervous and circulatory system.

Jasper, Burgundy

Burgundy Jasper is believed to be a stone of life force, natural rhythms, and creativity. It is thought to encourage blood flow and aid in blood diseases, assist in healing anemia, and relieve varicose veins.

Jasper, Cobra

Cobra Jasper is believed to be a stone of serenity, self-discovery, and introspection. It is thought to be the “Counselor’s or Therapist’s Stone”, ward off negativity, and encourage nurturing.

Jasper, Dalmatian

Dalmatian Jasper is believed to be a stone of the inner child, encouraging playfulness, joy, and grounding. It is thought to be an excellent stone for calming pets and children, aiding in quitting smoking, and encouraging fidelity and emotional harmony.

Jasper, Fabric (Green Jasper)

Fabric Jasper is believed to be a stone of independence, protection, and courage. It is thought to balance the emotions, ward of negativity, and work as a good luck charm.

Jasper, Fancy

Fancy Jasper is believed to be a stone of healing, well-being, and confidence. It is thought to be a supreme nurturer, to provide tranquility and wholeness, and to relieve fear, guilt, and frustrations.

Jasper, Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, creativity, and insight. It is thought to aid meditation, repel evil, and encourage intuition.

Jasper, Ibis

Ibis Jasper is believed to be a nurturing stone of contentment and simplicity. It is thought to alleviate worries and anxiety.

Jasper, Ivory

Ivory Jasper is believed to be a stone of balance, nurturing, and serenity. It is thought to encourage tenacity and discipline, assist in overcoming insecurities and guilt, and create courage.

Jasper, Kambaba (Crocodile Jasper)

Kambaba Jasper is believed to be a stone of tranquility, nurturing, and contentment. It is also thought to help the absorption of vitamins and minerals, boost the immune system, and cleanse the body of toxins.

Jasper, Marble

Marble Jasper is believed to be a stone of stability, balance, and centering. It is thought to encourage a connection to the Earth, allow deep meditation, and aid in past life regression.

Jasper, Mookaite

See Mookaite

Jasper, Nguni

Nguni Jasper is believed to be a stone of gentleness, sociability, and adaptation. It is thought to clear energetic pollution, aid in Shamanic journeys, and assist in adapting to new environments.

Jasper, Ocean

Ocean Jasper is believed to give one patience, help one to accept responsibility, and facilitate breathing. It is thought to improve the digestive process, eliminate toxins, and reduce body odor.

Jasper, Orange

Orange Jasper is believed to be a stone of positivity, vitality, and creativity. It is thought to treat illnesses and issues of the kidneys, bladder, and lower back.

Jasper, Outback

Outback Jasper is believed to be a stone of Mother Earth, healing, and protection. It is thought to align the chakras, enhance mental abilities, and aid Aboriginal healing.

Jasper, Picasso

Picasso Jasper is believed to be a stone of celebration and joy. It is thought to ease stress during difficult times.

Jasper, Picture

Picture Jasper is believed to be a stone of ecology, stability, and balance. It is thought to stimulate the immune system and treat disorders of the skin and kidneys.

Jasper, Pink

Pink Jasper is believed to be a stone of love, calming, and tenderness. It is thought to provide support during prolonged illness and reenergize the body.

Jasper, Polychrome

Polychrome Jasper is believed to be a stone of good fortune and joy. It is thought to reduce stress, increase stamina, and ease allergies.

Jasper, Poppy

Poppy Jasper is believed to be a stone of joy, protection, and positivity. It is thought to encourage relaxation, align chakras, and assist in reducing allergies.

Jasper, Purple Flower

Purple Flower Jasper is believed to be a stone of fearlessness, grounding, and fidelity. It is thought to banish nightmares, bring hope and peace, and encourage magic in life.

Jasper, Radiance

Radiance Jasper is believed to be a stone of inner visions, guidance, and emotional stability. It is thought to increase immunity, vitality, creativity, and self-esteem.

Jasper, Rainbow

Rainbow Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, peace, and sustenance. It is thought to aid decision making, calm and soothe it’s wearer, and provide protection from fear.

Jasper, Red

Red Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, stimulation, and grounding. It is thought to ease worries, cleanse the aura, and strengthen and detoxify the circulatory system, blood, and liver.

Jasper, Rhyolite

See Rhyolite

Jasper, Shell

Shell Jasper is believed to be a stone of strength, rejuvenation, protection, and grounding. It is thought to aid relaxation, promote well-being, and produce serenity.

Jasper, Silverlace

Silverleaf Jasper is believed to be a stone of balance, stability, and purpose. It is thought to encourage willpower, improve discipline, and create whole body wellness.

Jasper, Silverleaf

Silverleaf Jasper is believed to be a stone of balance, stability, and purpose. It is thought to encourage willpower, improve discipline, and create whole body wellness.

Jasper, Snakeskin

Snakeskin Jasper is believed to be a stone of grace, protection, and calm. It is thought to improve circulation and digestion, offer support during prolonged illness, and aid recovery.

Jasper, Starry

Starry Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, grounding, and serenity. It is thought to give protection during travel, provide mental clarity, and work as a wonderful tool for healers.

Jasper, Tiger

Tiger Jasper is believed to be a stone of self-confidence, self-assurance, and stamina. It is thought to provide positive energy, ease emotional stress, and protect from negative energies.

Jasper, Unakite

See Unakite

Jasper, Yellow

Yellow Jasper is believed to be a stone of protection, neutralization, and nurturing. It is thought to aid in the treatment of stomach and digestive system disorders.

Jasper, Zebra

See Zebra Marble


Jet is believed to be a wonderful purification stone. It is thought to be helpful for those suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys.


K2 (Azurite in Granite)

K2 is believed to be a stone of healing, grounding, and relaxation. It is thought to deepen meditation, encourage clarity, and bring wisdom and insight.


Kammererite is believed to be a stone of healing, peace, and protection. It is thought to enhance psychic abilities, create harmony and balance in life, and align the chakras.

Kansas Pop Rock (Boji-Like Stones)

Kansas Pop Rocks are believed to be stones of grounding, balance, and shielding. The pair is thought to be useful for healing arthritis, back pain, regeneration of cells, adrenal issues, chronic fatigue, and general fatigue.


Kaurilite is believed to be a stone of vitality, self-healing, and purity. It is thought to support the immune system, assist in overcoming bacterial infections, and to help one communicate with nature.


Kunzite is believed to be a stone of calming, relieving feelings of depression and inferiority. It is thought to ease tension in the neck and shoulders, regulate the thyroid, and ease drug and alcohol addiction.


Kyanite is believed to create a calming effect on our emotions, improve mobility and dexterity, and help with self-awareness.

Kyanite, Black

Black Kyanite is believed to be a stone of protection, healing, and energy work. It is thought to assist in opening new pathways in life, releasing emotions, and connecting to nature

Kyanite, Blue

Blue Kyanite is believed to be a stone of communication, self-expression, and truth. It is thought to remove energy blockages, heal diseases of the throat and larynx, and improve public speaking.

Kyanite, Blue-Green

Blue-Green Kyanite is believed to be as tone of grounding, balance, and psychic development. It is thought to assist in dream analysis and insights, decision-making, and opening and aligning the chakras.

Kyanite, Green

Green Kyanite is believed to be a stone of channelling, cosmic wisdom, and understanding. It is thought to assist one in absorbing Earth energies, balance the heart chakra, and is considered a wonderful tool for therapists and psychic readers.

Kyanite, Orange

Orange Kyanite is believed to be a stone of creativity, optimism, and grounding. It is thought to assist in manifesting desires, enhancing creative energy, and aligning and attuning the body.



Labradorite is believed to a stone of transformation, balancing and protecting the aura, strengthening the intuition, and banishing insecurities. It is used to regulate the metabolism, balance hormones, and relieve menstrual pain.

Labradorite, Golden

Golden Labradorite is believed to be a stone of courage, vitality, and clarity. It is thought to encourage inner strength, increase purposefulness in life, and sharpen mental acuity.


Lapis is believed to be a stone of inner vision and truthful communication. It is thought to aid in identifying negative habitual thought patterns.


Larimar is believed to be a calming, soothing, and feminine stone. It is thought to be an excellent stone during pregnancy and birth, relieving high blood pressure and reducing stress.


Larvikite is believed to be a stone of grounding, protection, and patience. It is thought to benefit those suffering from learning disabilities, treat skin disorders, and increase vitality.

Lava Stone

Lava Stone is believed to be a stone of strength, courage, and stability. It is thought to connect one to Mother Earth, dissipate anger, and provide guidance.


Lazulite is believed to be a stone of psychic and intuitive abilities, easing worry, insight, and meditation. It is thought to treat the pineal gland, liver, headaches, stress, endocrine issues, immune system weakness, and addiction.


Lepidolite is believed to be a stone of transition, awareness, emotional balance, meditation, prayer, and goodness. It is thought to relieve exhaustion, aid in the relief of tension, relieve allergies, numb sciatica and neuralgia, and aid joint problems.

Libyan Desert Glass

Libyan Desert Glass is widely regarded as a very powerful metaphysical stone. It is beleived to be a stone of psychic protection, spiritual change, protection, and ascension. It is thought to be a stone of the solar plexus, to be a bringer of Golden Light, and to aid light workers in many ways.


Limonite is believed to be a stone of grounding and clarity. It is thought to assist with powerful, mindful manifestation.


Lionskin is believed to be a stone of clarity and psychic abilities. It is thought to balance yin-yang energies.


Lodestone is believed to be a stone of attraction, balance, and motivation. It Is thought to alleviate pain, boost the immune system, and relieve depression.



Magnesite is believed to be a stone of meditation, imagination, and soothing. It is thought to relieve muscle spasms, to aid premenstrual tension, and detoxifying the body.


Magnetite is believed to be a stone of attraction, balance, and motivation. It Is thought to alleviate pain, boost the immune system, and relieve depression.


Malachite is believed to reduce negative energies, guard against electromagnetic pollution, and clear the chakras. It is also thought to balance mood swings and alleviate cramps.

Mani Stone

Mani Stone is believed to be a stone of forgiveness, inclusion, and hope. It is thought to be an excellent stone for healers and caregivers needing regeneration and strength to allow one to continue healing.


Marcasite is believed to be a stone of yang energy, concentration, and memory. It is thought to assist in the healing of the spleen, warts, and moles, and the cleansing of the blood.


Marialite is believed to be a stone of stress relief, positivity, and karmic clearing. It is thought to aid in purification and bring forth personal power.

Master Shamanite

Master Shamanite is believed to be a stone of spiritual cleansing and purification as well as auric clearing. It is thought to cleanse the soul and clear a path for healing.


Merlinite is believed to be a stone of instinct, past life recall, and magic. It is thought to protect against negative energies and dispel spiritual threats.


Mica is believed to be a stone of clarity, visions, flexibility, and growth. It is thought to reduce hunger, treat insomnia, and relieve dehydration.


Microcline is believed to be a stone of understanding, cooperation, and clarity. It is thought to treat eye disorders, fevers, water retention, and ease the pain of childbirth.

Midnight Lemurian Jade

Midnight Lemurian Jade is thought to be a stone of femininity, courage, and manifestation. It is thought to increase strength of purpose and propel one toward one’s destiny.


Mimetite is believed to be a stone of protection, psychic communication, independence, and adventure. It is thought to aid the treatment of the infirm, immobile, and muscular atrophied.


Moldavite is believed to bring positive life changes and aid in meditation, dream work, and telepathy. It is believed to be an incredibly powerful stone for transformation, bringing about the changes necessary for growth, enhancing intuition, creating physical rejuvenation, protecting against mental degeneration, and healing ailments of the eyes and grout. It is also thought to be a highly protective stone, sheltering the user from negative energy.


Mookaite is believed to be a stone of grounding, nurturing, and shielding. It is thought to stabilize the health of the physical body and support the immune system.


Moonstone is believed to be a stone of new beginnings, promoting inner growth and strength. It is also thought to stimulate the pineal gland, balancing hormones, alleviating PMS symptoms, and issues of pregnancy and breast feeding.

Moonstone, Black

Black Moonstone is believed to be a stone of the Divine Feminine, grounding, and meditation. It is thought to calm the mind, connect one to the lunar energies, and assist in the birth of new paths and ideas.

Moonstone, Peach

Peach Moonstone is believed to be a stone of intuition, fertility, and love. It is thought to soothe emotional pain, depression, and anger, allow one to access inner wisdom, and assist in connecting to feminine energies.

Moonstone, Rainbow

Rainbow Moonstone is believed to be a stone of protection, deflecting negativity. It is thought to ease emotional trauma.


Mordenite is believed to be a stone of harmony, peace, focus, and abundance. It is thought to aid in the symptoms of depression, remove toxins, and eliminate sarcasm.


Morganite is believed to be a stone of tranquility, joy, and inner strength. It is thought to assist development of new businesses and encourage fair treatment in business deals.

Mother of Pearl

Mother of Pearl is believed to be a stone of protection and calming. It is thought to calm feelings of anger and fear, enable one to express love, and assist in decision making


Mottramite is believed to be a stone of transformation, strength, reformation of the self, and goals. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, ease the stress of change, and energize the body.

Moqui Marbles

Moqui Marbles are believed to connect one to Earth energies, animal spirits, totems, and guides when held in the hands. They are thought to make good healers as they improve energy flow up the Chakra column and balance grounding and energizing


Mugglestone is believed to be a stone of protection, clarity, and creativity. It is thought to balance white and red blood cells, increasing natural steroids, and improve muscular structure.


Muscovite is believed to be a stone of confidence, spirituality, and unconditional love. It is thought to support one in attaining the body’s ideal weigh, assist during times of fasting, and ease insomnia.

Muscovite, Star

Star Muscovite is believed to be a stone of self-confidence, optimism, and problem solving. It is thought to balance the pancreas, control blood sugar, reduce dehydration, and heal insomnia.


Napoleon Stone

Napoleon Stone is believed to be a stone of renewal and strength. It is thought to assist in resolving emotional issues, create a positive attitude, and accept responsibility for our destiny.


Natrolite is believed to be a stone of intuition, psychic protection, and telepathy. It is thought to neural pathways making it helpful for Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and strokes.


Neptunite is believed to be a stone of courage, personal goals, and problem resolution. It is thought to treat tooth decay and muscular atrophy and support exercise regimes.


Nuummite is believed to assist in accepting oneself and overcoming feelings of powerlessness, confusion, and brokenness. It is thought to have a mild calming effect on the nervous system and heart.


Obsidian, Black

Black Obsidian is believed to be a stone of purification, transformation, and manifestation. It is thought to aid digestion, detoxify, and reduce arthritis.

Obsidian, Blue

Blue Obsidian is believed to be a stone of communication, protection, and knowledge. It is thought to balance the digestive system, stimulate the throat chakra, and relieve eye problems.

Obsidian, Gold Sheen

Gold Sheen Obsidian is believed to be a stone of protection, scrying, and spiritual correction. It is thought to balance and clear the third eye and solar plexus chakras and balance the energy fields.

Obsidian, Mahogany

Mahogany Obsidian is believed to be a stone of confidence and positive body image. It is thought to assist in healing diseases of the gums and tissues.

Obsidian, Rainbow

Rainbow Obsidian is believed to be a useful stone for recovery from emotional wounds. It is thought to aid in healing of bruising, broken bones, and tissue trauma.

Obsidian, Silver Sheen

Silver Sheen Obsidian is believed to be a stone of honour, luck, and acceptance. It is thought to clear and cleanse the energy fields, ground during meditation and spiritual journeys, assist in manifesting one’s dreams.

Obsidian, Snowflake

Snowflake Obsidian is believed to be a stone of perseverance and insight. It is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and assist one in becoming receptive to a healing attitude.


Okenite is believed to be a stone of purification, healing, psychic visions, and channelling. It is thought to treat blood flow disorders, sooth stomach cramps, and regulate body temperature.


Onyx is believed to be a powerful strengthening stone. It is thought to impart self confidence, ease grief, and encourage happiness. As well, onyx is used to treat ailments of the bones and blood.

Onyx, Black

Black Onyx is believed to be a stone of protection, stamina, and strength. It is thought to be supportive during times of grief or stress, assist in decision making, and bring good fortune.

Onyx, Green

Green Onyx is believed to be a stone of purity, positivity, and peace. It is thought to enhance creativity, allow one to express inner feelings and thoughts, and develop public speaking abilities.

Onyx, White

White Onyx is believed to be a stone of balance, focus, and strength. It is thought to heal infection and inflammation, focus one’s attention, and assist one in reaching their goals.


Opal is believed to be a stone of love, loyalty, peace, and consciousness. It is thought to treat infection and fevers, cleanse the blood and kidneys, regulate insulin, and ease childbirth and alleviate PMS.

Opal, Blue

Blue Opal is believed to be a stone of joy, creativity, and fearless communication. It is thought to assist in belief in the self, ease anemia and help mineral absorption, and balance the metabolism.

Opal, Boulder

Boulder Opal is believed to be a stone of clarity, purity, and centering. It is thought to treat circulatory disorders, balance erratic brain activity, and assist in kidney and liver function.

Opal, Green

Green Opal is believed to be a stone of happiness, luck, and harmony. It is thought to encourage healthy relationships, assist in attracting a suitable partner, and support release and moving forward.

Opal, Moss

Moss Opal is believed to be a stone of spiritual growth, emotional detachment, and ritual. It is thought to treat circulatory disorders, regulate insulin, treat pneumonia, and treat inflammation.

Opal, Olive

Olive Opal is believed to be a stone of energy, cleansing, and rejuvenation. It is thought to strengthen the immune system.

Opal, Owyhee Blue

Owyhee Blue Opal is believed to be a stone of perception, expression, will, clarity, authority, and confidence. It is thought to assist in remembering past incarnations and facilitate shamanic journeys.

Opal, Pink

Pink Opal is believed to be a stone of vibrancy, stimulation, and mood elevation. It is thought to attune one to the balance of love.

Opal, Violet Flame

Violet Flame Opal is believed to be a stone of tranquility, wisdom, and healing. It is thought to benefit the healing of cells and organs, aid in connection with guardian angels, and soothe the emotional body.

Opaline, Purple

Purple Opaline is believed to be a stone of passion, peace, and positivity. It is thought to assist in working through blockages, create a sense of connection and enlightenment, and allow self-discovery.


Opalite is believed to be a stone of psychic abilities, spirituality, and transition. It is thought to stabilize mood swings, overcome fatigue, and purify blood and kidneys.


Orpiment is believed to be a stone of intellect, growth, and insight. It is thought to aid in the healing of hearing disorders, balance cholesterol, and enhance lucid dreaming and dream recall.


Orthoceras is believed to be a stone of healing, luck, & prosperity. It is thought to encourage transition, transformation, and personal growth.


Orthoclase is believed to be a stone of co-operation, insight, and self-esteem. It is thought to assist in overcoming tragedy and aligning the chakras.


Palm Wood, Petrified

Petrified Palm Wood is believed to be a stone of grounding, calming, and practicality. It is thought to stabilize emotions and increase courage.


Pargasite is thought to be a stone of healing, empathy, and compassion. It is believed to assist with issues in the heart, throat, and respiratory system as well as to increase your ability to face life with a sense of humor.

Peacock Ore

Peacock Ore is believed to be a stone of channelling and meditation. It is thought to treat disorders of the respiratory system and reduce fever and inflammation.


Peridot is believed to be a stone of healing, renewal, rebirth, and intuition. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, treat ulcers, strengthen eyes, and balance bipolar disorders.


Peristerite is believed to be a stone of intellectual and spiritual dialect and balance. It is thought to treat bone ailments, increase energy, and assist organs.


Petalite is believed to be a stone of psychic skills, meditation, and spirituality. It is thought to help cellular regeneration, loosening muscles, and treat disorders of the lung and small intestines.

Petoskey Stone

Petoskey Stone is believed to be a stone of awareness, emotional issues, and hope. It is thought to aid in the treatment of AIDs, Cancer, CFS, and eye and head ailments.

Petrified Wood

Petrified Wood is believed to be a stone of transformation. It is thought to be beneficial to the bones, skin, and hair.


Phenacite is believed to be a stone of inner vision, spiritual growth, personal development, and prosperity. It is thought to treat nerve damage and brain impairment.


Phosphosiderite is believed to be a stone of calm, spirituality, and meditation. It is thought to support thyroid and adrenal glands, regenerate cells, and aiding in sleep.


Piemontite is believed to be a stone of reconnection, manifestation, and balance. It is thought to assist in recovery from grief, improve love and relationships, and encourage self-healing.


Pietersite is believed to be a stone of acceptance, calm, and brotherhood. It is thought to regulate hormones by stimulating the pineal gland.


Prasiolite is believed to be an excellent stone for fostering compassion, self-acceptance, and self-honor. It is thought to be a good stone for those wishing to heal digestive issues and overcome eating disorders.


Prehnite is believed to be a stone of joy and peace, encouraging grounding and peace. This stone is thought to heal the circulatory and lymph systems and be useful for calming infections.


Psilomelane is believed to be a stone of mysticism, emotional healing, and hidden motivations. It is thought to clear the lungs, ease skin inflammation, and help regulate insulin.


Purpurite is believed to be a stone of intuition, insight, truth, and acceptance. It is thought to maximize nutrient intake, relieve sunburn, and improve brain function.


Pyrite is believed to be a stone of vitality, increasing one’s willpower and establishing new patterns of health and positivity. It is thought to be a good stone for purification and treating diseases of the skin.


Pyrolusite is believed to be a stone of mental clarity, transformation, and healing. It is thought to bring confidence, repel negative energies, and heal and balance relationships.


Pyromorphite is believed to be a stone of money and wealth attraction, victory, and goal achievement. It is thought to activate and stimulate personal energy, remove creative blocks, and reconnect with people who you once lost touch with.


Pyroxmangite is believed to be a stone of recovery, confidence, and fertility. It is thought encourage healing from blood disorders, surgery, and heart attacks, soothe IBS and stomach issues, and assist in moving forward and opening the heart.


Quartz, Aura, Angel

Angel Aura is believed to be a stone of cleansing, peace, and harmony. It is thought to uplift ones mood, clear the chakras, and reduce stress.

Quartz, Aura, Aqua

Aqua Aura is believed to be a stone of meditation, communication, and prosperity. It is thought to smooth the auric field and reduce negativity.

Quartz, Aura, Champagne

Champagne Aura is believed to be a stone of meditation, protection, and spirituality. It is thought to stimulate the immune system and aid in the treatment of nervous system disorders.

Quartz, Aura, Cobalt

Cobalt Aura is believed to be a stone of imagination, grace, and inner peace. It is thought to boost the immune system, help fight infection, and aid in the treatment of cellular disorders.

Quartz, Aura, Golden Rose

Golden Aura Rose Quartz is believed to be a stone of abundance and protection. It is thought to facilitate lucid dreaming, aid in clairvoyance, and strengthen the auric field.

Quartz, Aura, Rainbow

Rainbow Aura Quartz is believed to be a stone of imagination, grace, and inner peace. It is thought to boost the immune system, help fight infection, and aid in the treatment of cellular disorders.

Quartz, Aura, Sunrise

Sunrise Aura Quartz is believed to be a stone of beginnings, manifestation, and transition. It is thought to assist with keeping resolutions, shift life into one’s dream life, and bring beauty into each day.

Quartz, Aura, Tangerine

Tangerine Aura is believed to be a stone of acceptance, creativity, and co-creation. It is thought to aid in overcoming self-esteem issues and enhance the healing properties of other crystals.

Quartz, Black Tourmalinated

Black Tourmalinated Quartz is believed to be a stone of cleansing, protection, and enlightenment. It is thought to cleanse the aura, release old patterns, and facilitate clear thinking.

Quartz, Blue

Blue Quartz is believed to be a stone of creativity, self-expression, and communication. It is thought to assist in psychic abilities and dream work, improve organizational skills and self-discipline, and strengthen the immune system.

Quartz, Candle

Candle Quartz is believed to be a stone of abundance and prosperity of business. It is thought to aid meditation, strengthen intuition, and assist in travelling to higher realms.

Quartz, Cherry

Cherry Quartz is believed to be a stone of hope, healing, & balance. It is thought to ease anxiety and depression.

Quartz, Clear

Quartz is believed to enhance the positive energies of other stones and of the items placed around it. It is also thought to cleanse organs and stimulate the immune system.

Quartz, Crackle

Crackle Quartz is natural Clear Quartz which has been heat treated and dyed. Crackle Quartz is believed to be a stone of power and emotional stability. It is thought to treat pain, digestive disorders, and kidney and bladder infections.

Quartz, Elestial

Elestial Quartz is believed to be a stone of deep spiritual healing, spiritual growth, and personal growth. It is thought to infuse one with love and light, assist in releasing fear, sadness, and anger, and assist in absorbing and transmuting negative energies.

Quartz, Faden

Faden Quartz is believed to be a stone of healing, chakra balancing, and protection. It is thought to assist in healing energy fields, aligning chakras, and removing unhealthy emotional attachments.

Quartz, Fenster

Fenster Quartz is believed to be a stone of spiritual growth and clairvoyance. It is thought to aid in the treatment of addictions and childhood trauma, and ease eating and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Quartz, Golden

Golden Quartz is believed to be a stone of protection, cleansing, and energising. It is thought to stimulate the thyroid, alleviate nausea, and strengthen the immune system.

Quartz, Golden Healer

Golden Healer Quartz is believed to be a stone of protection, cleansing, and energizing. It is thought to stimulate the thyroid, alleviate nausea, and strengthen the immune system.

Quartz, Green

Green Quartz is thought to be a stone of creativity and intuition. It is thought to support the endocrine system and balance the body.

Quartz, Hematoid

Hematoid Quartz (or Fire Quartz) is believed to be a stone of balance, clarity, and self-worth. It is thought to absorb and transmute negative energy, assist in managing ADD and ADHD, and calm anxieties, panic, and hysteria.

Quartz, Impact (Cataclosite)

Impact Quartz is believed to be a stone of comfort, reassurance, and balance. It is thought to assist in bringing grounding to life, stepping out of one’s comfort zone, and releasing control.

Quartz, Laser

Laser Quartz is believed to be a stone of healing, harmony, and protection. It is thought to provide pain relief, cleanse the aura and chakras, and be incredibly useful for energy work.

Quartz, Lemurian

Lemurians are known to be an incredibly powerful stone. They are thought to support overcoming depression and spiritual loneliness and awaken empathetic and intuitive consciousness.

Quartz, Lithium

Lithium Quartz is believed to be a stone of emotional peace, stress release, relaxation, and gentle healing. It is thought to balance the brain and emotions, calm and soothe the user, open and heal the heart chakra, and assist in powerful meditation.

Quartz, Mango

Mango Quartz is believed to be a stone of mental clarity, discernment, enthusiasm, and creativity. It is thought to assist in finding one’s center, understanding how we react to situations, and remove a sense of victimization.

Quartz, Micalated

Micalated Quartz is believed to be a stone of love, intuition, and protection. It is thought to promote unconditional love, transmute negative energies, and improve intuitive abilities.

Quartz, Moon

Moon Quartz is believed to be a stone of telepathy, spiritual connection and communication, and empathy. It is thought to allow one to harness the power of the Moon, connect with the Divine Feminine, and participate in ritual, magic, and emotional healing.

Quartz, Nirvana

Nirvana Quartz is believed to be a stone of intuition, psychic visions, and enlightenment. It is thought to dissolve emotional wounds, encourage self-acceptance, and deepen meditation.

Quartz, Peach

Peach Quartz is believed to be a stone of self-respect, independence, creativity, and sociability. It is thought to clear energy blockages and encourage a focus on others.

Quartz, Phantom

Phantom Quartz is believed to be a stone of inner beauty, growth, and cleansing. It is thought to recover repressed memories, enhance meditation, and aid in growth.

Quartz, Pineapple

Pineapple Quartz is believed to be a stone of channelling, guidance, and consciousness. It is thought to quicken healing of disease and harmonize the aura.

Quartz, Protector

Protector Quartz is believed to be a stone of inspiration, vitality, courage, and health. It is thought to increase chi, cleanse and energize the chakras, and ward off negative energies.

Quartz, Red

Red Quartz is believed to be a stone of amplification, balance, and grounding. It is thought to assist in removing and transforming negative energy, manifesting one’s dreams, and calm anxiety.

Quartz, Red Tourmalinated

Red Tourmalinated Quartz is believed to be a stone of grounding, strength, and love. It is thought to heal emotional wounds, bring passion and energy to life, and attract and strengthen romantic relationships.

Quartz, Rose

Rose Quartz is believed to be the stone of love. It is thought to open the heart, comfort in times of grief, and encourage acceptance. Rose quartz is used to treat high blood pressure, fertility issues, and as protection against miscarriage.

Quartz, Rose Star

Star Rose Quartz is believed to be a stone of confidence, positivity, and popularity. It is thought to heal trauma, reveal hidden talents, and assist in capturing the heart of one who is desired.

Quartz, Rutilated

Rutilated Quartz is believed to be a stone of protection, determination, self-control, and self-reliance. It is thought to treat bronchitis, regulate the thyroid, and act as an antidepressant.

Quartz, Sand

Sand Quartz is believed to be a stone of spirituality, expanded consciousness, and insight. It is thought to allow one to view a situation with a spiritual perspective, remove negative patterns and habits, and assist in healing from dysfunctional behaviors.

Quartz, Sceptre

Sceptre Quartz is believed to be a stone of empowerment, aligning the will with action, and providing protection against controlling influences. It is thought to facilitate energetic shifts, release blockages and stagnation, and has been used in healing rituals by shamans and healers for many years.

Quartz, Siberian Blue

Siberian Blue Quartz is believed to be a stone of intuitiveness, communication, reassurance, and calming. It is thought to treat throat disorders and infections, memory loss and dementia, and can help balance the immune system.

Quartz, Smoky

Smoky Quartz is believed to remove negative energy, elevate the mood, and relieve stress, jealousy, and anger. It is also thought to remove toxins from the body.

Quartz, Snow

Snow Quartz is believed to be a stone of balance, mental clarity, and patience. It is thought to stimulate the healing of disease, counteract radiation and sunburn, and reduce abdominal cramps and headaches.

Quartz, Solution

Solution Quartz is believed to be a stone of channelling, self-confidence, and courage.

Quartz, Spirit

Spirit Quartz is believed to be a stone of harmony and alignment. It is thought to aid in detoxification, healing skin disorders, and assisting with conception.

Quartz, Star

Star Quartz is believed to be a stone of love, clarity, luck, and protection. It is thought assist in building healthy relationships, attracting change, and creating hope and positivity.

Quartz, Star Hollandite

Star Hollandite Quartz is believed to be a stone of psychic visions, serendipity, amplification, and healing. It is thought to assist in contacting spirit guides, discovering life’s plan, and meditating deeply.

Quartz, Star Inclusions

Star Inclusion Quartz is believed to be a stone of grounding, release, and inner vision. It is thought to assist in processing radiation, releasing negative energy, and relieving stress.

Quartz, Sulphur

Sulphur Quartz is believed to be a stone of positivity, creativity, and support. It is thought to allow one to recognize and remove emotional blockages, offer support during recovery from addiction, encourage emotional release, and improve digestive issues.

Quartz, Tangerine

Tangerine Quartz is believed to be a stone of understanding, calming, and compassion. It is thought to help one heal from shock or trauma and to bring one into a positive vibration.

Quartz, Tibetan Black

Tibetan Black Quartz is believed to be a stone of spiritual protection and cleansing. It is thought to protect against negative energy, stimulate the third eye, and activate and balance the chakras and meridians.

Quartz, Tourmalinated

Tourmalinated Quartz is beleived to be a stone of balance, grounding, and strength. It is thought to assist in problem solving, promote optimism and harmony, and relieve digestive issues.

Quartz, Yellow

Yellow Quartz is believed to be a stone of clarity, concentration, and creativity. It is thought to prevent and relieve symptoms of burnout, ward off depression and anxiety, and bring energy and vitality.

Que Sera

Que Sera is believed to be a stone of love, healing, and protection. It is thought to shield electromagnetic energy, increase psychic communication, aid meditation, aid the healing of tissue, relieve stress, and treat adrenal fatigue.



Rathbunite is believed to be a stone of emotional uplifting, wisdom, and fun. It is thought to enhance one’s capacity to face challenges and to facilitate creative manifestation.


Rhodochrosite is believed to enhance love and passion, open the heart, ease depression, and encourage a positive outlook. It is used to balance blood pressure and stimulate circulation.


Rhodonite is believed to be a stone of compassion, love, generosity, and altruism. It is thought to aid in weight loss, detoxification, and purification.


Rhyolite is believed to be a stone of protection, regeneration, and healing. It is thought to support the circulatory, digestive, and sexual organs.


Richterite is believed to be a stone of strength, serenity, and relaxation. It is thought to ease anxiety, create motivation, and strengthen concentration.


Rosacite is believed to be a stone of calming, clarity, memory recall, support, strength, and sustainability. It is thought to treat skin disorders and damaged tissue.


Rosophia is believed to be a stone of sweetness, pleasure, love, truth, empathy, and beauty. It is thought to help calm the body, release stress, heal problems of the heart, blood, and lympathic system.

Rubellite (Red Tourmaline)

Rubellite is believed to be a stone of love, enthusiasm, and inspiration. It is thought to boost energy and vitality, increase passion and love, and allow for the acceptance of universal love.


Ruby is believed to be a stone of prosperity, assisting one in attracting wealth. It is also thought to encourage sensuality, helping users to develop a loving attitude towards their body and also assisting recovery from sexual abuse.

Ruby Fuchsite

Ruby Fuchsite is believed to be a stone of psychic communication and awareness, meditation, and transformation of negative energies. It is thought to provide relief from chronic physical illnesses, assist with sleeping disorders, and strengthen the heart.

Ruby Kyanite

Ruby Kyanite is believed to be a stone of protection, balance, and peace. It is thought to dispel frustration and negativity while creating courage and passion.

Ruby Zoisite

Ruby Zoisite is believed to be a stone of happiness, abundance, and growth. This stone is thought to be helpful for those in a grieving state.


Rudraksha, also Rudraksh, is sanskrit for “Rudra’s Eyes”. It is a seed traditionally used as prayer beads in Hinduism. These are considered holy seeds.


Rutile is believed to be a stone of insight into past trauma, pinpointing the cause of an illness, meditation, and intuition. It is thought to assist in treating bronchitis and impotence, increase cell regeneration and lactation, and strengthen the walls of veins.



Sapphire is believed to be an excellent stone for increasing awareness and discipline. It is thought to assist in healing headaches, eye problems, inner ear issues, and vertigo.


Sardonyx is believed to be a stone of protection and strength. It is thought to be particularly beneficial for those suffering from lung and bone ailments.


Scapolite is believed to be a stone of achievement, peace, and calming. It is thought to enlarge the veins and arteries and encourage rationality during times of stress.


Scolecite is believed to enhance inner peace, which makes it a great stone for meditation, restful sleeps, and sweet dreams. It is thought to be an excellent stone for those suffering from serotonin imbalances and mental disturbances.


Selenite is believed to cleanse and purify the aura, making it an excellent stone for healers. It is thought to be a good stone for stimulating physical healing and overcoming stagnation in one’s life.

Selenite, Orange

Orange Selenite is believed to be a stone of luck, protection, and memory. It is thought to increase physical flexibility, treat kidney stones and gallstones, boost self-esteem, and improve one’s sense of well-being.


Septarian is believed to be a stone of protection, connection to Mother Earth, and healing. It is believed to nurture its user, bring happiness, and improve communication.


Serandite is believed to be a stone of love, harmony, and family. It is thought to increase the assimilation of calcium and manganese, balance sodium levels, and assist in overcoming envy and jealousy.


Seraphinite is believed to be a stone of spiritual enlightenment, self-healing, and spirit communication. It is thought to treat ailments of the nerves, spinal cord, and brain cells.


Serpentine is believed to be an emotionally soothing stone, particularly good at assisting one in releasing fear of change. It is thought to be a good stone for encouraging cellular regeneration and replenishing energy.


Shantilite is believed to be a stone of peace, calm, sweetness, and meditation. It is thought to facilitate stress reduction and can aid in prayer.


Shattukite is believed to be a stone of connection, helping one to understand and communicate with the inner self.

Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingams are believed to be a stone of community, divinity, and vitality. It is thought to assist in the healing of infertility and relieve menopausal symptoms, menstrual cramps, and infertility.

Shiva’s Eye

Shiva’s Eye Shells are believed to protect from and transform negative energies, increase intuition, and create a connection to God’s third eye. It is also thought to ward off the evil eye, aid in healing disorders of the kidneys, and increase stamina and self-confidence.


Shungite is believed to purify water, shield from electromagnetic radiation, and aid in the healing of skin issues.


Siderite is believed to be a stone of career and positivity and can be soothing for those on long periods of bed rest. It is thought to treat deterioration of the bones, to stimulate the assimilation of meals, and to facilitate the treatment of anemia.


Silica is believed to be a gentle, soothing, friendly stone of the heart chakra. It is thought to heal loss, hurt, guilt, and fear.

Silica, Rainbow

Rainbow Silica is believed to be a stone of acuity, protection, and serenity. It is thought to strengthen and heal the heart, improve analytical abilities, and enhance mental abilities.


Silicon is believed to be a stone of serenity, peace, and grace. It is believed to balance masculine and feminine energies, sharpen mental abilities, and purify the mind, body, and spirit.

Silicon Carbide

Silicon Carbide is believed to be a stone of the Inner Child, healing, and light. It is thought to enhance communication, transmit thought, and increase mental agility and focus.


Simbercite is believed to be a stone of warmth and peace. It is thought to bring energy to its user, alleviate fear, and warm the soul and body of the holder.


Simpsonite is believed to be a stone of charm, kindness, and positivity. It is thought to aid in treatment of lymph glands, increase resistance to infections and flus, and cleanse the aura.

Siri Nyoke (Nunderite)

Siri Nyoke is believed to be a stone of emotional cleansing, release, and grounding. It is thought to encourage hopes and dreams, open one’s path to new adventures, and calm and soothe pets and animals.


Smithsonite is believed to be a stone of communication, leadership, perceptiveness, and receptiveness. It is thought to help treat the throat, nose, lymph system, immune system, and tissue elasticity.


Soapstone is believed to be a stone of positivity, calm, and balance. It is thought to encourage creative thinking, promote truthful communication, and balance the digestive system.


Sodalite is believed to be a stone of intuition and insight. It is thought to support the regulation of blood pressure, ease water retention, and improve cellular hydration.

Sonora Sunset

See Crimson Cuprite


Sphalerite is believed to be a stone of grounding, psychic awakening, discernment, and clarity of thought. It is thought to balance the immune system, treat eye disorders, and aid in nutrient absorption.


Sphene is believed to be a stone of learning, mental ability, and creativity. It is thought to aid in development of intuitive abilities, stimulate mental abilities, and assist in problem solving.


Spinel is believed to be a stone of clarity and creativity. It is thought to calm inflammation and assist in the healing of joints, bones, and muscles.

Spinel, Ruby

Ruby Spinel is believed to be a stone of rejuvenation, vitality, and confidence. It is thought to increase devotion to one’s partner, enhance stamina and energy, boost the intellect, and improve memory.


Staurolite is believed to be a stone of centering, consciousness, lucid dreaming, and protection. It is thought to calm fever, treat depression and anxiety, and harmonize muscle tissue and growth.


Stibnite is believed to be a stone of change, attraction, transformation, and cleansing. It is thought to assist in the treatment of infection and fever, reduce muscle stiffness, and ease upper digestive disorders.


Stilbite is believed to be a stone of creativity, openness, love, and focus. It is thought to assist in the relief of ADD and ADHD.


Stitchtite is believed to be a stone of love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing. It is thought to aid in the treatment of stomach issues, allergies, blood pressure, and gum disease.

Stonehenge Bluestone

Stonehenge Bluestone is believed to be a stone of attunement, shape-shifting, and shamanic journeying. It is thought to aid in connection to the Earth and resonating with Mother Nature.


Stromatolite is believed to aid emotional healing and meditation. It is thought to be an excellent stone for treatment of degenerative and bone diseases.


Sugilite is believed to be an excellent stone for spiritual protection and purification, manifesting dreams, and overcoming hopelessness. It is thought to counter nightmares, insomnia, and other sleep disorders and calm the nerves.


Sulphur is believed to be a stone of energy, vitality, protection, and purification. It is thought to ease skin problems, digestion, arthritis, backaches, and infections.


Sunstone is believed to bring luck and good fortune. It is also thought to facilitate self-empowerment and independence. Sunstone is used to treat sore throats, reduce stomach tension, and relieve ulcers.

Super Seven

Super Seven is believed to assist in personal ascension, develop psychic gifts, assist in healing of all types, purify, balance, & energize chakra & auric bodies, heighten the vibrations of other crystals, and stimulate a feeling of deep peace, harmony, and contentment.



Tanzanite is believed to be a stone of transmutation, safety, protection, and compassion. It is thought to strengthen the immune system, promote the regeneration of cells, and aid in recovery from a comatose state.


Tektites are believed to be stones of wisdom, knowledge, support, and overcoming emotional crisis. It is thought to penetrate deep into the body and positively impact all organs.


Terraluminite is believed to be a stone of divine love, awareness, and spiritual energy. It is thought to release negative emotions, create balance and stability, and connect one to their true self.


Thomsonite is believed to be a stone of truth, connection, stillness, and meditation. It is thought to encourage spiritual growth, enhance clairvoyance, and increase dream recall.


Thulite is believed to be a stone of healthy emotions, joy, and the dissolution of negative emotions. It is thought to treat digestive disorders, improve calcium deficiencies, and assist in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Thulite, Pink

Pink Thulite is believed to be a stone of healthy emotions, joy, and the dissolution of negative emotions. It is thought to treat digestive disorders, improve calcium deficiencies, and assist in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is believed to be a stone of protection, grounding, power, courage, and grace. It is thought to release toxins, heal eye disorders, and alleviate pain.

Tiger Eye, Blue

Blue Tiger Eye is believed to be a stone of clarity, integrity, and insight. It is thought to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity and focus, and encourage imagination and creativity.

Tiger Eye, Blue-Green (Hawk’s Eye)

Blue-Green Tiger Eye is believed to be a stone of power, protection, and authenticity. It is thought to allow for higher learning, encourage new skills and talents, and ease fear of flying.


Tiger Eye, Red (Dragon’s Eye)

Red Tiger Eye is believed to be a stone of motivation, stimulation, and inspiration. It is thought to allow one to pursue and achieve goals, improve confidence and self-esteem, and strengthen one’s ability to survive any situation,

Tiger Iron

Tiger Iron is believed to be a stone of creativity, vitality, and strength. It is thought to aid in balancing the red/white blood cell count, strengthen the muscles, increase the natural production of steroids, and relieve exhaustion.


Topaz is believed to enhance the mind and encourage communication. It is thought to be useful for soothing sore throats, speech impediments, and hyperthyroid conditions.

Topaz, Blue

Blue Topaz is believed to enhance the mind and encourage communication. It is thought to be useful for soothing sore throats, speech impediments, and hyperthyroid conditions.

Topaz, Imperial

Imperial Topaz is believed to be a stone of abundance, good fortune, and generosity. It is thought to assist with manifestation, attract prosperity, and renew vitality and energy.

Tourmaline, Black

Black Tourmaline is believed to repel and protect against negativity. It is thought to increase physical vitality and intellectual acuity.

Tourmaline, Blue

Blue Tourmaline is believed to be a stone of spirit, peace, honesty, and courage. It is thought to aid in overcoming speech impediments, increase dream recall, and restore luster and shine to hair and nails.

Tourmaline, Green

Green Tourmaline is believed to regulate blood pressure, strengthen the heart, and improve the nervous system. It is thought to stimulate digestion and strengthen the immune system.

Tourmaline, Pink

Pink Tourmaline is believed to be a stone of love, spirituality, compassion, and gentleness. It is thought to ease motion sickness, prevent falls, and restore luster and shine to hair and nails.

Tourmaline, Red (Rubellite)

Red Tourmaline is believed to be a stone of love, enthusiasm, and inspiration. It is thought to boost energy and vitality, increase passion and love, and allow for the acceptance of universal love.


Fossilized Trilobites are believed to encourage leadership, patience, strength, and perseverance. It is thought to assist in developing management skills, reduce goiters, and correct vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, and iodine deficiencies.


Turquenite is believed to be a stone of passion, kindness, and creativity. It is thought to purify the cells, strengthen the teeth and bones, and soothe pms.


Turquoise is believed to be a stone of protection, wisdom, balance, and strength. It is thought to aid the absorption of nutrients, stimulate the regeneration of tissue, and enhances the immune system.


Ulexite (TV Rock)

Ulexite, or TV Rock, is believed to be a stone of imagination, creativity, and revelations. It is thought to improve relationships, strengthen eyesight, and ease headaches.


Unakite is believed to be a stone of vision, spirituality, and grounding. It is thought to aid the growth of skin and hair.


Uvarovite is believed to be a stone of prosperity, wealth, and individuality. It is thought to strengthen the heart, act as an anti-inflammatory, and treat plant allergies.


Uvite is believed to be a stone of balance, responsibility, and temperament. It is thought to treat kidney and bladder issues, eliminate negativity, and calm panic attacks.



Vanadinite is believed to be a stone of focus, action, clarity, and order. It is thought to treat respiratory disease, balance the endocrine system, and calm hypomania.


Variscite is believed to be a stone of community, compassion, and harmony. It is thought to ease acid reflux, assist in healing gout, and relieve ulcers and rheumatism.

Vatican Stone

Vatican Stone is believed to be a stone of understanding, personal power, and protection. It is thought to provide peace during times of transition, improve survival skills, and provide a karmic cleansing.


Vesuvianite is believed to be a stone of higher self and inner security. It is thought to strengthen tooth enamel, restore the sense of smell, and assist in assimilating nutrients from food.


Victorite is believed to be a stone of confidence, spiritual purpose, and revitalization. It is thought to assist in building a new self-image and help one realize dreams and achieve victory.


Vitalite is believed to be a stone of well-being, courage, and love. It is thought to cleanse emotions, increase generosity, and stimulate the imagination.


Vivianite is believed to be a stone of love, confidence, peace, and insight. It is thought to treat eye disorders, align the spine, boost the immune system, and heal wounds.


Voegesite is believed to be a stone of innocence, support, guidance, and wisdom. It is thought to aid in the healing of inner scarring, break bad habits, and help one nurture one’s self.


Vortexite is believed to be a stone of awareness, alignment, and balance. It is thought to heighten awareness and to charge, balance, and attune us to our highest potential.



Wavellite is believed to be a stone of the third eye, attention to detail, focus, and energy flow balancer. It is thought to treat blood cell disorders and skin cell disorders.


Wollastonite is believed to be a stone of light, joyful energy, knowledge, and optimism. It is though to encourage self-discovery, diminish fear and hesitation, and encourage playfulness and adventure.


Wulfenite is believed to be a stone of the serenity prayer, ritualistic magic, creativity, and sexual passion. It is thought to treat sexual dysfunction and thyroid disorders.






Zebra Marble

Zebra Marble is believed to be a stone of optimism, allowing one to see the joy in life and follow one’s dreams. It is thought to be a good stone for those looking to improve skin, bones, and teeth and for those suffering from muscle spasms.


Zeolites are believed to be a stone of purification, detoxification, and healing. They are thought to eliminate toxins in the body, purify water, and remove toxic energy.


Zincite is believed to be a stone of life force, manifestation, creativity, and empowerment. It is thought to be a grounding stone.


Zircon is believed to be a stone of purity, peace, and intellect. It is thought to combat mental disorders, protect against robbery and attack, and heal adrenal fatigue.

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